Trucks = Gay
That's right. The bigger the truck, the gayer the owner. How do I know this? Simple logic. Trucks don't impress girls. Trucks impress other guys. Therefore, the fancier the truck, the more the owner wants to impress other guys, or more specifically, other bone-smugglers. So, are all truck owners screaming homos? No, in fact trucks serve practical purposes. Therefore if you require one for work as part of your means to earn a living, then it is okay to have one that serves the purpose and is not otherwise extravagant.
To summarize, the truck depicted may as well be owned by Elton John, because the actual owner is equally into man-meat. Sports cars are for guys with little weenies, everyone knows that. Therefore, if you ladies want to find a real man, check out whoever is behind the wheel of a little domestic rustbucket, you're looking at a practical guy with gigantic genitals. What could be better?
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