When Exactly Did The World Go To Hell?
When the hell did wanting to see a nice hairy bush become a fetish? Goddamn it, I just want to see a nice bush. I don't want to see stubble, razor burn and the little red zits hair removal processes leave behind. And I don't want to see some severely hair covered broad with braided armpit hair looking like Robin Williams. I just want to see natural hair with proper grooming on the rest of the body. That has completely disappeared from the scene, the norm is now shaved with the fetish being extreme hair coverage. What the hell is wrong with everyone? I was not consulted on the decision to move pussy hair out of mainstream porn. And with the volume of porn I have collected over the years, I have damn well earned a vote as have most of you. The women used to look real, like people you might see. Now they are bleached, tattooed, pierced, shaved and fake in every way. The most exciting porn features "real" looking women, not women that look like porn girls. Only in France does the average woman look like the above photo, so what are the rest of us to do? Damn it, answer me!
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